
Improving My Car

Three Reasons You Should Have Your Transmission Rebuilt

If your transmission needs to be replaced because it has overheated or just altogether stopped working, then you have a couple of options, which include rebuilding the transmission instead of having the entire transmission replaced. When a transmission shop rebuilds your transmission, they are going to take the transmission apart, look for worn components that make up the transmission and replace those parts. Here are three reasons why the option of rebuilding is best:


When your transmission is rebuilt, all the parts are inspected and replaced if necessary. For this reason, you can be sure that your transmission is going to run smoothly right away instead of having to worry that it might wear out again like you would if you purchased a used transmission to replace your current one. A used transmission is not guaranteed to work 100% for a long time to come because there may be worn components inside. Of course, replacing with an all new transmission will also have quality. However, this is definitely more expensive than a rebuild or used transmission. 

Faster Process:

It sounds time consuming, however, a transmission rebuild can actually be a much faster process than replacing your transmission. This is especially true if you have an older vehicle. This is because the transmission shop has to take the time to seek out the right transmission for your vehicle. This is difficult for older vehicles because the transmission is likely only going to be found in junkyards since they are no longer manufactured.


All transmission shops will provide a warranty on a rebuilt transmission. This is because the service is done by them and they want to guarantee their work for their customers. This isn't always the case when you replace your transmission with a used one, especially if it is one that you brought in yourself and had them install. You will probably receive a warranty for a brand new transmission, however, you have to remember, again, that this is still more expensive than a rebuild, which provides the same amount of protection.

When you know these three reasons to have your transmission rebuilt, you can be sure that you understand the benefits of this option, which many people don't. Be sure to go to a specialized transmission shop that handles transmission rebuilds to ensure that it will be a quality job you can rely on for years to come.

About Me

Improving My Car

I have never been someone who loves to fuss with every last detail about their cars, but when I finally got into my dream car, I knew that things would be different. I started focusing on weekly cleanings and making sure that every last detail of my ride was perfect, and it was really fun to see the car reflect my personality. I wanted to make this blog to help other people to know how to improve their cars from the inside out, so that you can love your vehicle each and every day. You spend a lot of time in your car, so why not enjoy it?

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